Al-Dahia seeks and employs outstanding individuals who have the expertise, drive and will to deliver value to our expanding clientele. We provides a challenging environment that requires solutions in demanding situations, however it is rooted in a meritocratic culture that nurtures competitiveness and growth to its professionals, enabling them to realize their high ambitions. Our HR policies are tailored towards creating a comfortable, warm and empathetic work environment for our professionals enabling lower attrition rates in comparison to industry levels.

We have consciously strived to create a great environment that provides a host of conveniences and facilities to our employees like free company transport, subsidized meals, regular get-togethers, sports activities and team outings. If you are ambitious, committed with a zest for life, We nurture individuals par excellence. Growth path in the company is determined by your zest for growth. Our teams comprise of innovative, forward-thinking people who are constantly looking for ways and means of achieving more - in terms of growth, knowledge and individual development.

As a company in its youth, we have achieved many laurels and awards for our excellent performance and commitment in offering our customers what they want.